Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to install Android (x86) on Laptop

Everyone is talking about android, the mobile OS from the internet giant Google. It is an open operating system for mobile phones, not meant for laptops. But already people have started porting the code to x86 machine and succeeded in booting laptops. 

Keeping in mind that, it is not a full fledged porting, depending on your laptop many things may work, and it may also turn out that it may not boot as well, so the call is yours, but nothing harm in trying out. Because the method I am going to explain you is using an USB thumb drive, so in case if it does not, just format the disk.

You need to go to Andorid x86 project website and download the latest stable release iso image. You need UNetBootin software to download this install this ISO image on your thumb drive, you can download it from here.

You need to select the ISO option and give path to the .iso image you have downloaded, and make sure you select the correct device for USB, otherwise your data on hard disk will be wiped off. The example screen shot is as shown below.

Once the OK, is clicked, download will start, after the downloading to USB is complete, change the boot setting in BIOS to boot from USB and you are ready to boot Android x86, have fun. In my case, I was able to access my wifi router on my android, and it was fun browsing in Andorid. Unlike on virtual machine, the speed is really good on a laptop.

This is the screen shot of what I ran on my laptop, It's the mobile desktop scaled up. Still its a fun !

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